Destination Wedding: January 2008 Archives

Coren and Jason are an incredibly fun and hilarious couple from Baltimore. They decided to elope and had their Meadowood wedding in Napa. The grounds at Meadowood are simply magical and breathtaking.

Since there were no guests, I acted as a witness, and even signed the marriage certificate! Kimberly Thompson of A Beautiful Ceremony officiated, and she did a wonderful job of making the ceremony very tailored and unique for Coren and Jason.

Following the ceremony, Coren, Jason, and I walked around the grounds of Meadowood, and I took lots of casual, relaxed portraits. You can view the slideshow here.

Napa Wedding Photography

You can view more of our Napa / Wine Country wedding photography and engagement photography sessions on our portfolio site.

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Destination Wedding category from January 2008.

Destination Wedding: June 2007 is the previous archive.

Destination Wedding: June 2008 is the next archive.

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Destination Wedding: January 2008: Monthly Archives