Personal: January 2009 Archives

This coming Sunday, Ray and I are heading out to Las Vegas for our fourth year at WPPI. It will be nice to get away for a few days. We're excited to get together with our wedding photog friends and of course meeting new people that inspire us. We're always pushing ourselves to learn and grow, and we're looking forward to seeing speakers like Alisha and Brook Todd, Elizabeth Messina, Gene Higa, Ann Hamilton, and Joe Photo.

But the one person that we're insanely stoked about is meeting Anne Ruthmann. Ray and I won her Mentor Auction that benefits Thirst Relief, an amazing organization that helps connect people living in third world countries with clean drinking water. Anne very graciously auctioned her time as a mentor, and we are so grateful and appreciative! We have been fans of Anne's work and we know that we'll learn so much from her.


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Personal: January 2009: Monthly Archives